Tuesday 4 February 2014


3 February 2014:
Hello Anil,

Just so I can keep my blog of our dealings up to date; can you tell me if you are any closer to reaching a solution to our ongoing problems? I refer of course to your failure to refund me or to have the filler caps collected.

I note on FaceBook how you very cleverly tried to turn the argument around in your favour; but, unluckily for you, I was able to post up the entire email history which proved you to be liars and scoundrels.

I hope to hear from you at the earliest possible opportunity and you may rest assured that, until this matter is settled satisfactorily, I will remain committed to spreading the word to the World that you are people who are not to be trusted and should be avoided at all costs.

Please note I shall be updating my blog in the next 48 hours to keep this subject fresh and at the top of everyone's news feed.

4 February 2014
Hello Howard,

I really wanted to resolve the issue so that we both are happy but you chose the other way round. 

I am currently not prepared to send a refund until you remove your comments.

I have small size caps ready to be sent. 

Thank you.

4 February 2014
Hello (whoever you are),

You appear to have some trouble with your memory of events. Let me remind you of some pertinent facts;

1. You offered the small caps for sale initially and took the money knowing the items were not available.
2. You lied when you said there was some confusion
3. You lied again when your attempt to deceive was discovered.
4. Every time you lie, it merely strengthens the case against you as people or a company that it is not safe to deal with.

You can take it as my word that, until this matter is settled, I shall do my utmost to spread the word and discredit you to all who are willing to listen to my tale of woe or read the tragic episode on my blog. Hopefully your sales have begun to dwindle and will continue to do so for as long as you remain in business. Truly, I will count myself blessed if I hear of your impending bankruptcy.

Thank you.